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Iambic Beats is something different and people are beginning to notice! I've been amazed at the positive responses I've been getting. If you like what Iambic Beats is up to, leave a note on the CONNECT page, and with your permission, I'll feature it here! 


What people are saying

From the Twitter community

"She is absolutely mesmerizing with her spoken word albums. I feel molecular when I listen to her." -@bywayofwords

"I am obsessed with her beats. I encourage you to listen to them all. You know when you listen to opera or other music that makes you feel connected to everything? This is that. The heartbeat and the voice of the universe are in here, I'm certain."


"THIS ALBUM IS INCREDIBLE! I am so in awe. I was lost in another world and when I came back I felt so... changed. I want more more more!" -@jeffreyvalerius

I have this on my playlist shuffle and it made my run awesome yesterday morning when one would pop up. Love it. -@LostInaBook1

... and beyond!

Two IAMBIC BEATS songs were featured in Janus Literary's Editor's Showcase, Aug, 2021

I don’t remember how I first connected to Melinda on Twitter, but I remember seeing one of her tweets where she shared a video of herself singing and playing her guitar and I became an instant fan. Then when she started sharing herself reading her poetry, set to music she created, I knew immediately I wanted to feature her in Janus’s Editor’s Showcase. I find her poems to be personally resonant and she has a voice made for reading aloud. I love that she has blended her talents for writing and making music into one project. -Janice Leagra, EIC, Janus Literary

Great talent on display well worth taking time to let this artists words and music inculcate your soul. -chrisp01 via BandCamp

It's an addictive blend of whimsy, passion, and cinematic attention to detail that keeps me coming back for more. What a treat for headphones! Favorite track: You Are Music.

-fyeahmetal via BandCamp

Listened to it in its entirety today b/c I couldn't stop. Mesmerizing, soothing in its honesty & innovative blend of music, sound & spoken word. -@MoSchoenfeld

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